14 Taikoo Wan Road 太古灣道14號
- (Former Name: Cityplaza 3, 太古城中心3期)
- Office Building
- 14 Taikoo Wan Road
- Quarry Bay
14 Taikoo Wan Road 太古灣道14號
- (Former Name: Cityplaza 3, 太古城中心3期)
- Office Building
- 14 Taikoo Wan Road
- Quarry Bay
14 Taikoo Wan Road 太古灣道14號
- (Former Name: Cityplaza 3, 太古城中心3期)
- Office Building
- 14 Taikoo Wan Road
- Quarry Bay
14 Taikoo Wan Road (Former name: Cityplaza 3) is a 22-storey double A Commercial Building situated in 14 Taikoo Wan Road just 5-mins walk from Tai Koo MTR station (Exit D1). It has covered link to MTR station making it very convenient in accessing everywhere in Quarry Bay for working and shopping. Grade A buildings like 12 Taikoo Wan Road are in its close vicinity. Quarry Bay Park is just within minutes-walk for workers to relax their minds and bodies from busy work..
Its total GFA is approximately 449,000 sq.ft. with 21 office floors (1-22/F) and 1 retail floors (G/F). It has 8 passenger lifts and 1 cargo lift. To comply with the sustainable green practices in improving energy efficiency and environmental management, 14 Taikoo Wan Road has achieved BEAM Plus EB V2.0 - Final Platinum rating. Coffee lounge is available at the lobby.
14 Taikoo Wan Road is a single ownership Commercial Building with offices of 2341 - 21114 sq.ft. on lettable available for rent at around HK$30 - 50 per sq.ft.. Occupiers are mostly from Fitness, Professional Services and Utilities. Click Here for full stock listing in this building.
Flex and serviced office solution is available from WeWork operating in this building. Click Here for rates and promotional packages.
Usage | Office (For Rent) |
No. of Storeys |
Year Completed | 1992 |
Ownership | Single Landlord |
Total GFA | 449,000 ft² |
Typical Floor Area | 19,331 ft² |
Floor System | Underfloor trunking |
Air Conditioning |
Management & A/C Fee |
Elevator |
False Ceiliing Height | 2.40 (Meter) |
Anchor Tenant |
Features | BEAM (Plus EB V2.0 - Final Platinum), Lobby Cafe Lounge, Interconnected Building Complex, Covered Link with MTR, Quarry Bay Park |
Carpark (Inhouse) |
Hotel Nearby |
Last Updated | 2025-02-06 |
Ref. | B0001938 |
Current Listings
Co-Working Space
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