Shun Tak Centre China Merchants Tower 信德中心招商局大廈
- Office Building
- 168-200 Connaught Road Central
- Sheung Wan
Shun Tak Centre China Merchants Tower 信德中心招商局大廈
- Office Building
- 168-200 Connaught Road Central
- Sheung Wan
Shun Tak Centre China Merchants Tower 信德中心招商局大廈
- Office Building
- 168-200 Connaught Road Central
- Sheung Wan
Shun Tak Centre China Merchants Tower is a 39-storey grade A Commercial Building located in 168-200 Connaught Road Central just atop Sheung Wan MTR station (Exit D). It has covered link to elevated footbridge system making it very convenient in accessing everywhere in Sheung Wan for working and shopping. There is a retail podium beneath. Large scale infrastructure including Airport Express Hong Kong station and Hong Kong–Macau Ferry Terminal are close away. Situated on waterfront gives most of its floors with spectacular view over Victoria Harbour. Grade A buildings like Wing On Centre, 212-232 Des Voeux Road Central and Infinitus Plaza are in its close vicinity.
Its total GFA is approximately 385,000 sq.ft.. It has 16 passenger lifts and 1 cargo lift.
Shun Tak Centre China Merchants Tower is one of the commercial buildings in Sheung Wan suitable for semi-retail operation.
Shun Tak Centre China Merchants Tower is a strata-titled Commercial Building with office and shops of 1109 - 5898 sq.ft. on gross available for sale, and for rent at around HK$33 - 55 per sq.ft.. Occupiers are mostly from Banking & Finance, Securities and Shipping & Logistics. Click Here for full stock listing in this building.
Usage | Office (For Rent & Sale- Also for Semi Retail usage) |
No. of Storeys |
Year Completed | 1986 |
Ownership | Stratified |
Total GFA | 385,000 ft² |
Typical Floor Area | 25,000 ft² |
Floor System | Bare Cement |
Air Conditioning |
Management & A/C Fee |
Elevator |
False Ceiliing Height | 2.40 (Meter) |
Management Company | Shun Tak Property Management Ltd |
Anchor Tenant |
Features | Along Harbourfront, Elevated Footbridge System, Airport Express Hong Kong station, Hong Kong–Macau Ferry Terminal, Covered Link with MTR, Commercial Podium |
Carpark (Inhouse) |
Loading & Drop off Facilities |
Hotel Nearby |
Last Updated | 2024-10-14 |
Ref. | B0000120 |
Current Listings
Latest Transaction
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