Tower 535 謝斐道535號
- Office Building
- 535 Jaffe Road, Cannon Street
- Causeway Bay
Tower 535 謝斐道535號
- Office Building
- 535 Jaffe Road, Cannon Street
- Causeway Bay
Tower 535 謝斐道535號
- Office Building
- 535 Jaffe Road, Cannon Street
- Causeway Bay
Tower 535 is a 25-storey double A Commercial Building situated at the junction of Jaffe Road and Cannon Street just 5-mins walk from Causeway Bay MTR station (Exit D1). Grade A buildings like One Causeway Bay, World Trade Centre and East Point Centre are in its close vicinity.
Its total GFA is approximately 270,000 sq.ft. with 16 office floors (6-24/F), 7 retail floors (G-5 and25-26/F). It has 7 passenger lifts and 1 service lift. To comply with the sustainable green practices in improving energy efficiency and environmental management, Tower 535 has achieved BEAM Final Silver rating.
Tower 535 is one of the commercial buildings in Causeway Bay suitable for semi-retail operation.
Tower 535 is a single ownership Commercial Building with office and shops of 3331 - 11712 sq.ft. on gross available for rent at around HK$40 - 60 per sq.ft.. Occupiers are mostly from Beauty, Medical and Co-working. Click Here for full stock listing in this building.
Flex and serviced office solution is available from SPACES operating in this building. Click Here for rates and promotional packages.
Usage | Office (For Rent- Also for Semi Retail usage) |
No. of Storeys |
Year Completed | 2015 |
Ownership | Single Landlord |
Total GFA | 270,000 ft² |
Typical Floor Area | 9,329 - 11,712 ft² |
Air Conditioning |
Management & A/C Fee |
Elevator |
Slab-to-slab Height | 3.00 (Meter) |
Management Company | JLL Management Services Ltd |
Anchor Tenant |
Features | BEAM |
Carpark (Inhouse) | Not Available |
Carpark Nearby |
Hotel Nearby |
Last Updated | 2025-01-09 |
Ref. | B0001480 |
Current Listings
Co-Working Space
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